Download diablo 2 1.13d
Download diablo 2 1.13d

download diablo 2 1.13d

Minor bug fixes for various graphical and connection issues players had been experiencing.

download diablo 2 1.13d

  • Major bug fixes for aura stacking and item duping prevention.
  • Brand new features to the chat system to make things easier.
  • New features included permanent ignore lists to avoid ignoring the same people each time you join a channel, and you can also set a home channel to your account for quicker access.ĭiablo II: Lord of Destruction Patch Key Features: There are also a few minor fixes, which mainly pertain to graphically errors and players getting stuck or disconnected. It provides a major fix to the game which prevents an item duping method from working. This patch of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction is necessary to continue playing online with other players, as it fixes various bugs and glitches within the game, as well as adds new features. " Patch for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction."

    Download diablo 2 1.13d